Changing the Names in the Bible

Before you start this Food for Thought “Changing the Names in the Bible,” please take the opportunity to read through the previous parts, I highly recommend that you do. This will help you better understand the context and progression of the topics discussed. Three-Part Strategy Outlined in the Scripture Below High Jacking of the Faith…

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Just Pray Over It

Before we move on to the final portion of this series next week, let’s cover one more crucial topic that is used to change the dietary instructions of the Bible. We will discuss the idea or belief that everything is clean to eat as long as you pray over it. If you haven’t already had…

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Food in the Sheets Vision

Vision Title Image

In the last Food for Though Part 5, we discovered that Kefa (Peter) and the other disciples received clarification from Yahshua regarding the parable of what defiles a person. We learned from Mark 7:1-23 and Matthew 15:1-20 that Yahshua was teaching two things. First, Yahshua pointed out the hypocrisy of man, teaching their doctrines and commandments while ignoring the…

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