Truth or Illusion – Historical Tares – Part 4

Who’s Changing the TRUTH Now? Tares Please see Truth or Illusion Part 2: Missing Scriptures if you have for Gotten what Tares are! Historically and presently, many people worldwide have struggled to thoroughly comprehend the depth of the Scriptures. Whether it be the Scriptures Christian theologians divided and labeled, the New and Old Testaments (Marcion…

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Truth or Illusion – Deception – Part 3

Who’s Changing the TRUTH Now? Ha-Satan Revelations 12:9 portrays the father of lies (John 8:44), Ha-Satan, as a master of deception. His deceptive influence has and will continue to span across the WHOLE INHABITABLE WORLD. This warning should serve as a powerful reminder for us to remain vigilant, acknowledging that Ha-satan’s lies, strategies, and deceptive…

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Missing Scriptures – Through Translation

Who’s changing the TRUTH Now? Aramaic or Greek Before we move on to Part 3 of the Truth or Illusion series, let’s get one more understanding of the New Testament scripture translation. That understanding is the mindset of the Yahsha’el (Israelites) in that era and their feelings and customs toward Greeks and possibly Romans. Let…

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Missing Scriptures Unknown History Continued

Who’s changing the TRUTH Now? While the title of this Truth or Illusion Food for Thought is “Missing Scriptures,” it is apparent that the underlying issue extends beyond the mere absence of Scriptures. Truth is often obscured by the passage of time and the actions of individuals; this instance is no different. The people from…

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Missing Scriptures Unknown History

Missing Scripture

Who’s changing the TRUTH Now? Last week, you should have participated in the study activity, which would have helped you to identify the numerous missing scriptures in specific Bible translations. As we delve deeper into this week’s topic, let’s examine the who, what, when, where, and why these distortions have infiltrated Bible translations and the…

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Missing Scriptures

Study Activity Must-do Activity: Grab an NIV, NLT, or ESV Bible translation and read Matthew 18:10-14 “The Parable of the Lost Sheep.” If you didn’t have access to one of these Bibles, no worries. Click on one of these links: or and read it. These websites allow you to explore the passage in multiple…

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Truth or Illusion: Bible Translations, Part 2

Who’s changing the TRUTH Now? Study Activity Must-do Activity: Grab an NIV, NLT, or ESV Bible translation and read Matthew 18:10-14 “The Parable of the Lost Sheep.” If you didn’t have access to one of these Bibles, no worries. Click on one of these links: or and read it. These websites allow you to…

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Truth or Illusion, Part 1

Satan’s Illusions and Deceptions Cause Confusion Hêlēl (Satan) has been at work for many millenniums, planting traps and deceptions along with deceptive influences all around the Earth. Some of his deceptions are plain to see, while others are elaborate illusions, and still others remain hidden or imperceptible. As Bible Believing Believers (BBB) or Qedoshim (set…

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Can You Handle the Truth?

In our complex and diverse societies, there are a variety of beliefs, ranging from personal convictions to religious and political ideologies. There is your truth, my truth, the preacher’s truth, the religious doctrine truth, the politician’s truth, etc. While these differing perspectives may hold significance for their respective followers, it is vital to recognize that…

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