In the last Food for ThoughΒ Part 5, we discovered thatΒ Kefa (Peter)Β and the other disciples received clarification from Yahshua regarding theΒ parable of what defiles a person. We learned from Mark 7:1-23 and Matthew 15:1-20 that Yahshua was teaching two things. First, Yahshua pointed out the hypocrisy of man, teaching their doctrines and commandments while ignoring the commands of π€π€π€ π€. Secondly, Yahshua explained that “UNWASHED HANDS DOES NOT DEFILE THE MAN,” but what comes out of a man’s heart and mouth does.Β Nothing in these scriptures remotely implies that Yahshua was talking about eating clean or unclean food and, definitely nothing about Yahshua annulling the commands and laws ofΒ π€π€π€ π€ (Matthew 5:17). This week we will discuss Kefa’s (Peter’s) vision.
Food in the Sheets
9. And the next day, as they passed along on the road, and drawing near to the city, Kefa (Simon Peter) went up on the roof to pray about the sixth hour.
10. And he hungered and desired to eat. And while they prepared for him, a stupor fell over him.
11. And he saw the heaven being opened and a certain vessel like a great sheet coming down on him, being bound by four corners, and let down onto the earth;
12. in which were all the four-footed animals of the earth, and the wild beasts, and the creeping things, and the birds of the heaven.
13. And a voice came to him, Rise up, Kefa (Peter), slay and eat.
14. But (Kefa) Peter said, Elohim forbid my Master, because I never did eat anything common or unclean.
Acts 10:9-14 (HRB)
In this and all Food for Thoughts I recommend you read the Scripture(s) provided and the entire chapter they are from to obtain more insight.
Did π€π€π€ π€ tell a Hungry Kefa (Peter) to Eat Unclean Animals?
The simple answer is NO, π€π€π€ π€ did not instruct Kefa (Peter) to consume unclean meat. However, since π€π€π€ π€ used both clean and unclean animals as a metaphor for Kefa to understand π€π€π€ π€’s plan for the gentiles, some have misinterpreted these scriptures and made it about food. Regrettably, these individuals have taken their misinterpretations of these scriptures and have taught the false doctrine that π€π€π€ π€ changed the dietary laws. To clear up the delusions and debunk these untruths, we must be like the Bereans and study the scripture for understanding and clarification.
The Vision
In a vision 10 to 12 years after Yahshua’s death and resurrection and the start of the New Covenant. π€π€π€ π€ showed Kefa (Peter) a sheet that contained “ALL the four-footed animals of the earth, and the wild beasts, and the creeping things, and the birds of the heaven.” In this vision, a voice came to him saying, “Rise up, Peter, slay and eat.” It’s important to note that “ALL” includes clean and unclean animals. This vision, or at least the voice part, was repeated three times. The repetition of the vision raises the question of its significance and what message or meaning is being communicated. What did Kefa do during the vision, and what was his reaction after the vision? These are questions that might provide insight into the nature and purpose of the vision.
- A hungry Kefa (Peter) could have quickly eaten the clean and unclean animals and ended the vision, concluding that all meats were now clean.
- Kefa could have treated this vision like an all-you-can-eat buffet in which you choose what you want. Partaking of permissible foods such as chicken, lamb, and salmon while avoiding pork, crabs, and oysters, which were considered unclean, thus adhering to the dietary laws, ending the vision concluding what he already knew that the dietary law remains.
- A hungry Kefa could have gone out after the vision and eaten what he wanted, disregarding the dietary law.
Kefa’s Reaction to the Vision
Kefa did none of the above. During the vision, he answered the voice in the saying, “Elohim forbid my Master, because I never did eat anything common or unclean.” This statement is most profound. Kefa boldly and confidently confirms that the dietary law is still valid and that he follows the commands of π€π€π€ π€. Again, remember that this is 10-12 years after the death of Yahshua.
The vision left Kefa confused and full of self-doubt as he wrestled with its meaning in his mind for understanding. He knew it wasn’t π€π€π€ π€ telling him to eat unclean animals. He also knew π€π€π€ π€ wasn’t telling him to choose clean animals over unclean when offered because he already knew the dietary law. The meaning of the vision was in Kefa’s answer back to π€π€π€ π€ and his use of the word common. Not only did he assert that he had never consumed any unclean meat as per Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14, but he also stated that he never ate anything “common,” which is not in Leviticus or Deuteronomy.
The vision was tailor-made for Kefa to challenge his belief that only Yahshar’elites could receive salvation, not Gentiles. Also, it was to help him understand and overcome the cultural and religious biases engrained in him by the oral laws of the Pharisees. π€π€π€ π€ knew how Kefa (Peter), a Yahshar’elite and follower of Yahshua HaMashiach, would react and respond to this vision. It was through this vision that π€π€π€ π€ showed Kefa that no person is common or unclean in His sight and that the good news of YAHSHUA is for all people, regardless of their background or ethnicity.
Note about first-century Pharisees:
“In the first century, the Pharisees of Yahshua’s time followed something called the oral law. This was a manmade code of rules with thousands of extra added laws about the Sabbath and Torah that still even exits to this day. One of these laws is that a Jew cannot even sit at the same table with a non-Jew, and if a non-Jew would eat from a cup or plate of the Jew, the religious Jewish person would actually have to break the plate, because it became common, because it was used by a non-Jew.Β The word ‘common’ means used by all, or not set apart or sanctified any longer.Β In the first century a religious Jew would not even use olive oil if it was even pressed by a Gentile. And this is the whole reason for the dream given by π€π€π€ π€, as now salvation was going to be open to the Gentile race and due to Jewish culture and rabbinical teaching they could not meet with and eat with Jewish disciples in Messiah. Look at the following scripture to prove this point.”
Elder Don Esposito
Kefa’s Reaction After the Vision
- And as Peter was doubting within himself what the vision which he saw might be, even behold, the men who had been sent from Cornelius stood on the porch asking about the house of Simon.
- And calling out, they inquired if Simon being surnamed Peter is lodged here.
- And as Peter pondered concerning the vision, the Spirit said to him, Behold, three men are seeking you.
- But rising up, go down and go with them, not discriminating, because I have sent them.
- And going down to the men, the ones sent from Cornelius to him, Peter said, Behold, I am the one whom you seek. What is the cause for which you are here?
- And they said, Cornelius, a centurion, a just man and one fearing π€π€π€ π€, and being testified to by all the nation of the Jews, was divinely warned by a holy cherub to call you to his house and to hear words from you.
- Then calling them in, he lodged them. And on the morrow Peter went out with them. And some of the brothers from Joppa accompanied him.
- And on the morrow they entered Caesarea. And Cornelius was awaiting them, having called together his relatives and the beloved friends that he had.
- And as Peter was coming in, meeting him, Cornelius fell at his feet and worshiped.
- But Kefa (Peter) lifted him up, saying, Stand up! I myself am also a man.
- And talking with him, he went in and found many having come together.
- You know that it is not lawful for a Yehudean man to associate with or come near to a foreign man who is not a son of his tribeβ , but π€π€π€ π€ showed to me concerning a man not to say that he is common or unclean.
- Because of this I came promptly when you sent for me, but I ask you for what reason did you send for me?
Acts 10:17-29 (HRB)
In this and all Food for Thoughts I recommend you read the Scripture(s) provided and the entire chapter they are from to obtain more insight.
Shortly after the Vision, Kefa started to realize its meaning as Cornelius’ men, probably gentiles, stood at his door after being guided to him by π€π€π€ π€ and π€π€π€ π€, telling him not to discriminate, doubt, or hesitate. We can see the fullness of the meaning of the vision once Kefa goes with the men and meets Cornelius. Acts 10:28 states Kefa’s understanding. “You know that it is not lawful for a Yahudean man to associate with or come near to a foreign man who is not a son of his tribe, but π€π€π€ π€ showed to me concerning a man not to say that he is common or unclean.“
It is important to note that the purpose of the vision was not to make unclean animals fit for human consumption. But, to pave the way for the understanding that Gentiles could be offered salvation and be grafted in (Romans 11:17). If π€π€π€ π€ did not give Kefa (Peter), this vision showing him that Gentiles were equally able to receive salvation like the Yahshar’elites, then Kefa would not even have sat down with Cornelius let alone offer baptism to him and others (Please read Acts 10 in full). This vision also set the stage for the events that followed for Gentiles, like the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15 and Paul’s acceptance by the Apostles in Galatians 2. So you can clearly see that the purpose of the vision was for π€π€π€ π€ to show Him not to call people common or unclean, and had nothing to do with consuming unclean animals.
By:Β David EdwardsΒ β HalleluYAH β Praise YAH β PraiseΒ π€π€π€ π€