We want “Journal Thy Journey” to become a household name. We want to be known globally as the brand that promotes and advocates for humanity to be students of the Bible. We need your financial support to advance our mission. With your monetary donation, we will be able to work towards our many goals:
- Innovate products and services that inspire the nation to initiate or to continue to dig deeper into Yahweh’s word.
- Donate our books to young adults because they are our future.
- Implement multi-marketing strategies to bring awareness to our mission.
- Produce a line of young adult publications.
- Provide biblical counseling to the community.
We know that that Studying Yahweh’s word will reveal His Will for our lives. We know that reading the Bible is sufficient to make us complete in mind, body, and spirit. So why not invest in this great mission to move the Bible forward and central to the core of our lives. With your financial support, you can help us in this exciting spiritual journey to move the Word of Yahweh in hearts and homes. Thank you in advance for helping us make the Word of Yahweh prevalent and relevant in all lives.
Grace and Peace to you,
Journal Thy Journey