Posts Tagged ‘David’
Who Have You Been Listening To?
A few months ago, a friend shared a head-scratching video with me asking for my thoughts on the topic. The video featured a charismatic preacher/pastor who irrationally claimed that men with facial hair or beards were prideful, not anointed, and not true believers. I found his statements and rant absurd, and honestly, it left me…
Read MoreWhy Am I Facing Trials
2. I will say to Eloah, Do not condemn me; make me know why You contend with me. 3. Is it good to You that You should crush, that You should despise the work of Your hands, and You shine on the counsel of the wicked? Job 10:2-3 (HRB) In this and all Food for…
Read MoreHas Sin Left You Naked?
New Normal Sin, in many ways, uncovers and exposes us, leaving us naked for all to see and open for scrutiny and judgment. However, modern-day acceptance of sin has blurred the lines of right and wrong, fulfilling Bible prophecy of a lawless world (Matthew 24:12). Due to sin’s normalization and desensitization, the nakedness of sin (a sense of…
Read MoreAll You Can Eat Buffet!
97 Oh how I love your Torah! It is my meditation all the day. 103 How sweet are Your Words to my palate! More than honey to my mouth! Psalms 119:97, 103 (HRB) In this and all Food for Thoughts I recommend you read the Scripture(s) provided and the entire chapter they are from to obtain…
Read MoreWhat Vows or Oaths Have You Made?
21. When you shall vow a vow to YAHWEH your Elohim, you shall not delay to perform it; for YAHWEH, your Elohim will certainly require it of you, and it shall be SIN to you. 22. But if you shall forebear to vow, it shall be no sin to you. 23. That which has gone out of your lips, you…
Read MoreWill You Trust YAHWEH!
Our heavenly Father, YAHWEH, has multiple divine attributes that we attempt to define despite our limited human understanding (Isaiah 55:8–9; Ephesians 3:20–21). Today we will examine two of the characteristics, omnipresent and omniscient. His omnipresent nature allows him to be present everywhere simultaneously (past, present, and future), while being omniscient indicates an infinite knowledge of all things. However, as mere mortals, our cognitive…
Read MoreWho are you offending? Part 4 – Faith in Action
Living out your faith for all to see can become complicated, especially for those living in countries where it’s illegal to be a believer, pray, or have a Bible. However, Matthew 5:10 promises, “Blessed are they who have been persecuted (victimized, oppressed, afflicted, tortured, murdered) for righteousness’s sake! For theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.”
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