Truth or Illusion – Historical Tares – Part 4

Who’s Changing the TRUTH Now?


Scriptures altering 1

Please see Truth or Illusion Part 2: Missing Scriptures if you have for Gotten what Tares are!

22-23 – Professing to be wise, they became foolish and CHANGED the glory of the incorruptible Elohim into the likeness of an image of a corruptible man,….

25: Who changed the truth of Elohim into a lie

Romans 1:22-23, 25 (HRB)

1. But false prophets were also among the people, as also false teachers will be among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, and denying the Master who has bought them, bringing swift destruction on themselves.

2. And many will follow their destructive ways, by whom the way of truth will be evil spoken of.

2 Peter 2:1-2 (HRB)

In this and all Food for Thoughts I recommend you read the Scripture(s) provided and the entire chapter they are from to obtain more insight.

Historically and presently, many people worldwide have struggled to thoroughly comprehend the depth of the Scriptures. Whether it be the Scriptures Christian theologians divided and labeled, the New and Old Testaments (Marcion of Sinope) or the non-canonical Apocrypha Scriptures ruled out by various councils, synods, Christian theologians, kings, and popes of the Roman Catholic Church (St. Jerome).

This lack of knowledge stems not from a weak desire to know and understand the truth, but rather from the influence of Ha-satan’s lies, illusions, and delusions that persuade the hearts and minds of people away from the truth. These lies, illusions, and distractions Ha-satan presents today are just as powerful and overwhelming as the ones he used to deceive Eve in the garden. The only difference is that Ha-satan has had millenniums to refine his lies, adapt them to the everchanging worldly cultures he manufactured, and change the vessel that speaks his venomous lies and deceit from a snake to humans.

Before we move on, let me reemphasize this crucial point to ensure your understanding of this matter is crystal clear. What has been done up to this date concerning the Bible, theologies, and traditions is not an accident. Through the ages, the devil has methodically and deliberately placed obstacles directly in our paths to steer humanity away from a genuine understanding of the 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 and his Scriptures. Understand, Ha-satan needsΒ to divert our hearts away from genuinely knowing 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 Tseva’oth, 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀔𐀏 (Yahusha or Yahshua), and 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄’s chosen people. It is in Ha-satan’s lies that many have concluded that 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄’s laws (Torah), instructions, precepts, prophecies, and people no longer matter. Therefore, we must critically evaluate doctrines (Acts 17:11), regardless of their longstanding acceptance or endorsements by others, to ensure their validity. Furthermore, we must abandon the idea that we should believe something simply because others (false prophets and charismatic ministers) say so (1 Timothy 4:1). Let’s not allow ourselves to be led astray from the truth.

But the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, following deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons,

1 Timothy 4:1 (HRB)

In this and all Food for Thoughts I recommend you read the Scripture(s) provided and the entire chapter they are from to obtain more insight.

How this Happened

  • Dividing the Scriptures into three parts: Old Testament (OT), New Testament (NT), and Apocrypha (We will not discuss the Apocrypha today).
    • Dividing the Scriptures has led many to skip over or forgo the reading, studying, or comprehension of the OT. Most doctrines of demons don’t outright teach people not to read the OT. However, they teach from an anti-Torah perspective and repeatedly repeat phrases like “Jesus nailed the law to the cross,” “The law is in the OT, which was done away with,” and “Things in the OT were for the Israelites, not us.”. These teach that the OT is outdated and irrelevant, so don’t bother with it. It’s important to point out the hypocrisy in Christianity as the OT is not obsolete or irrelevant when speaking about Tithing.
    • If the NT is taught alone, by what bases can you confirm or teach that 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀔𐀏 (Yahusha or Yahshua) is the Hamashiach (Messiah)? You can’t! The OT provides the historical and foundational context of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 and His will, laws (Torah), instructions, precepts, prophecies, and people. It also contains the words of the prophets. It tells the history of the Hebrew people who were chosen by 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 to convey His prophecies and promises.
    • 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀔𐀏 (Yahusha) magnified the OT by quoting the OT in more than 10 percent of His recorded words in the NT. 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀔𐀏 emphasized that He did not come to abolish 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄’s law (Torah) or the Prophets such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Joel, Zechariah, Amos, Hosea, etc., (Matthew 5:17). The Law and the Prophets are both located in the OT, and many of the prophecies they prophesied have yet to be fulfilled, so why would one dismiss or overlook the OT. It’s essential to recognize the impact of prevailing theologies on your mindset when understanding the Scriptures.
  • Historically, adding and removing books from the canonization
    • Who gave Gentiles the right via councils, synods, and theological preference to deceive what goes in the Word of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄.
Scriptures altering 2
Council of RomeΒ 
(AD 382)
Synod of HippoΒ 
(AD 393)
Councils of Carthage
(AD 397)
Councils of Carthage
(AD 419)
Council of Florence
(AD 1431–1449)
Council of Trent
(AD 1545–1563)
Thirty-Nine Articles
Westminster Confession of Faith
Synod of Jerusalem
Councils, Synods, Christian theologians, kings, and Popes of the Roman Catholic Church
  • As the founding father of Protestantism, Martin Luther removed Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Esther, Job, Ecclesiastes, Jonah, Tobias, Judith, Wisdom, Sirach (i.e., Ecclesiasticus), Baruch, 1 and 2 Maccabees, Matthew, Luke, John, Acts, Romans, Hebrews, James, Jude and Revelation claiming that the books were “straw not worthy to be burned in my oven as tinder.” and “Judaizing nonsense.”.
  • Introduction of multiple conflicting ideologies, doctrines, and theologies through the protestant reformation.
  • Deliberately distancing or separating 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 people from the faith via slavery, persecution, and threat of death.
  • Reversing the Sabbath from the 7th day (Saturday) to the first day (Sunday).
  • Replacing the Qodesh Holy Feast day with secular man-made Holidays (holy day) through syncretism.

Evidence of Ha-Satan’s Spirit on His People

Most are unaware of the impact that Ha-satan and his children had on the Bible and the Christian religion, values, doctrines, and many manufactured traditions. I will provide five; however, if you research this further, you will undoubtedly uncover more truth.

1. – Emperor Hadrian (Destroyer of the Jews) sold all Jew prisoners into slavery, banned circumcision, forbade the keeping of the Sabbath, and prohibited the teaching of the Torah. He hated the Jews so much that, according to Christian historian Eusebius, Emperor Hadrian banned Jews from the city of Jerusalem and the surrounding area and attempted to erase their connection to it by changing its name from Yerusalem to Aelia Capitolina, colonizing it with a different race, and many other atrocities. ***Disregraud of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄’s Law and People***

2. – Some Jews and TARES in the early church started observing Sunday, which 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 never commanded, and the 7th day Sabbath (Saturday), which 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄 commanded. They added Sunday worship because of the false teaching that 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀔𐀏 was raised on Sunday. However, to avoid prosecution from the government and ostracism from society for “Judaizing,” they began to forsake the actual Sabbath and the teaching of the Torah to show their separation and to prove that they were Christians, not Judaizers. And so the 4th commandment of observing the Sabbath faded away for many due to fear and false doctrine. ***Disregraud of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄’s Law***

3. – Other Roman Emperors added, adjusted, and removed laws pertaining to Jews and the Torah; Emperor Constantine was one of them. He added significance to the early Christian TARES and made the first day of the week “Sunday,” a day of rest, instead of the seventh day, “Saturday,” as the Torah/Bible commanded. ***Disregraud of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄’s Law***

4. – The Pope of the Catholic Church added more force to disregarding the Torah and the Sabbath. In A.D. 325, Pope Sylvester officially named Sunday “the Lord’s Day.” In A.D. 338, Eusebius, the court bishop of Constantine, wrote, “All things whatsoever that it was the duty to do on the Sabbath (the seventh day of the week) we (Constantine, Eusebius, and other bishops) have transferred to the Lord’s Day (the first day of the week) as more appropriately belonging to it.”Β ***Disregraud of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄’s Law***

As we discussed in parts 2-3, the Roman Empire and its religious arm, the Roman Catholic Church (RCC), were the “superpower,” so whatever they said was followed. For those who did not follow their orders, persecution or death would follow. If the Pope can still wield his somewhat diminished power today, think of his power and influence when Rome was the superpower and its effect on Christianity in its infancy.

Quotes from the Catholic Church

  • The Archbishop of Venice, before becoming POPE PIUS X, Catholic National, stated: “The Pope [Bishop of Rome] is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, but he is Jesus Christ Himself hidden under the veil of flesh. ***BLASPHEMY***
  • “Take care that we lose not that salvation, that life and breath which thou hast given us, for thou art our shepherd, thou art our physician, thou art our governor, thou art our husbandman, thou art finally another God on earth …”- 1512 Christopher Marcellus said this to Pope Julius II: ***BLASPHEMY***
  • This ancient Catholic document, Extravagantes Johannes, refers to the Pope as “Our Lord God the Pope.” Source: John Treat, The Catholic faith, or, Doctrines of the Church of Rome contrary to Scriptures (1888): 536. ***BLASPHEMY***

***There are many more. Please research further on your own.***

5. – Church Reformers, most if not all, were former Antisemitic Catholics. The Protestant Reformation movement produced the alarming number of Christian denominations and theologies we see today. Reform leader Martin Luther put the final nails in the coffin of Torah and Sabbath observance for most Christian Denominations by ignoring 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄’s commandment of keeping the Sabbath and instead followed the commandment of the pope. Even though Reformers exited the RCC, they kept many other incorrect practices as well, such as idol worship, anti-Torah ideology, persecution of Yahshar’el, etc., as you will see in the Quotes from the leader below.

Quotes from Martin Luther, and yes, this is the same Martin Luther that inspired Michael King Sr, so much so that he changed his name and the name of his oldest son from Michael King Sr. and Jr. to Martin Luther King Sr. and Jr.

  • “First, that their synagogues be burned down, and that all who are able toss in sulfur and pitch; it would be good if someone could also throw in some hellfire. That would demonstrate to God our serious resolve and be evidence to all the world that it was in ignorance that we tolerated such houses, in which the Jews have reviled God, our dear Creator and Father, and his son most shamefully up till now but that we have now given them their due reward”.Β Β ***Hatred for 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄’s chosen people***
  • “But what will happen even if we do burn down the Jews’ synagogues and forbid them publicly to praise God, to pray, to teach, to utter God’s name? They will still keep doing it in secret. If we know that they are doing this in secret, it is the same as if they were doing it publicly. For our knowledge of their secret doings and our toleration of them implies that they are not secret after all and thus our conscience is encumbered with it before God”. ***Hatred for 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄’s chosen people***
  • “Now just behold these miserable, blind, and senseless people … their blindness and arrogance are as solid as an iron mountain. ***Hatred for 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄’s chosen people***


The historical and theological landscape surrounding the Scriptures has been shaped by deliberate actions and ideologies designed to obscure the truth of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄. From the early division of the biblical canons (NT, OT, and Apocrypha ) to the modern re-interpretations of basic teachings, it is clear that Ha-satan’s influence via Tares has perpetuated a cycle of deception that has misled countless believers. This manipulation has encouraged a pervasive misunderstanding of the Old Testament/Torah and the significance of the Sabbath, while insinuating that 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄’s chosen set-apart people, Yahshar’el (so-called black people) are suitable for slavery but otherwise worthless and don’t matter.

1. But false prophets were also among the people, as also false teachers will be among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, and denying the Master who has bought them, bringing swift destruction on themselves.

2. And many will follow their destructive ways, by whom the way of truth will be evil spoken of.

2 Peter 2:1-2 (HRB)

In this and all Food for Thoughts I recommend you read the Scripture(s) provided and the entire chapter they are from to obtain more insight.

As we navigate these complex issues, it is crucial to approach the faith with discernment, critically evaluating doctrines and teachings against the entirety of Scripture. Everyone is responsible for seeking the truth. Truth free from the biases of tradition and the appeal of popular belief. We must commit to understanding the Bible in its full context, recognizing the Old Testament and its integral role in the New Covenant and future prophecies. Ultimately, your faith should be grounded not in the interpretations of men but in the unchanging Word of 𐀉𐀄𐀅𐀄. Only then can you truly align ourselves with His will and purpose, guarding against the lies that seek to lead us astray.

By: David Edwards β€“ HalleluYAH – Praise YAH – Praise π€‰π€„𐀅𐀄

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