π€π€π€ π€’s Placing His Name
π€π€π€ π€ (YAHUAH or YAHWEH), in extraordinary ways, includes His name in many things. What is most interesting is how He merged His name intoΒ words,Β places,Β andΒ peopleΒ that belong to Him. The first integrated word that might come to mind is HalleluYAH, but the integration of Hallelu and YAH is only the beginning of π€π€π€ π€’s influence on language. The insertion of YAH, Ya, Ye, ah, el, al, and iah all point to the Creator. (Note: el and al point to Elohim or Alohim, not “G O D.” Additionally, the “iah” was used to hide the name YAH, like Jeremiah-YermeYAHU,Β Isaiah-YeshaYAHU,Β and Hezekiah-HezekYAH).
The Hebrew word “Hallelu-YAH” meaning Praise π€π€π€ π€ (YAHUAH or YAHWEH), is a great example of YAH putting his name into a word. Some believe HalleluYAH to be a form of praising YAH and say it is the highest praise. Others believe it to be a command to literally “Praise YAH” for his blessings, faithfulness, compassion, grace, and mercy. The most powerful thing about HalleluYAH is that despite its pure Hebrew origins, the word is found in almost every language under the sun, and it has remained unchanged, meaning and all. The name of π€π€π€ π€, through the way of praise, was not touched by the ineffable doctrine, thus preserving the name of the Most High. (Psalms 106:1, 111:1, 112:1, 113:1, 117:1, 135:1, 146:1,10, 147:1, 148,1 Revelations 19:1,3-4,6)
1. And after these things, I heard a great voice of a large multitude in Heaven, saying, HalleluYAH! The salvation and the glory and the honor and the power of π€π€π€ π€ our Elohim!
3. And a second time they said, HalleluYAH! Also her smoke goes up forever and ever.
4. And the twenty four elders, and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped π€π€π€ π€ sitting on the throne, saying, Amen! HalleluYAH!
6. And I heard as a sound of a numerous crowd, and as a sound of many waters, and as a sound of strong thunders, saying, HalleluYAH! Because π€π€π€ π€, Elohim, Almighty reigns.
In this and all Food for Thoughts I recommend you read the Scripture(s) provided and the entire chapter they are from to obtain more insight.
π€π€π€ π€ named the descendants of Avraham (Abraham), Yitzhak (Issac), and Ya’aqob (Jacob) Yahshar’el. π€π€π€ π€ placed His name upon these people, His people. π€π€π€ π€ promised Abraham in Genesis 22:17 that he would multiply his “descendants as the stars of the Heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore.” π€π€π€ π€ tells Issac that the blessings of Abraham are on him and reminds him of the blessings in Genesis 26:1β5.
Genesis 28:13β14 tells Jacob’s encounter with π€π€π€ π€ in which he was promised the blessing of Abraham and Issac. Years later, Issac found himself alone and face to face with π€π€π€ π€ at Peni’El.
Genesis 32:22-32 tells the complete account of Jacob wrestling with YAH all night and declaring that he would not stop fighting until YAH blessed him. It was then that π€π€π€ π€ bestowed the full blessing of Abraham on Jacob by renaming him a nation, the nation of Yahshar’el (Israel), an integration of His name and his people. π€π€π€ π€ named His people, and the 12 tribes of Yahshar’el came from the 12 sons of Jacob. π€π€π€ π€ fused His name into the name of his people. “Baruch HaShem π€π€π€ π€!”
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14 (HRB)
In this and all Food for Thoughts I recommend you read the Scripture(s) provided and the entire chapter they are from to obtain more insight.
Jacob named two places, which were Beth’EL and Peni’El; both were significant places and are known today. Beth’EL, meaning “House of ELOHIM,” and Peni’El, meaning “I saw π€π€π€ π€ face to face.” Upon Beth’el, Jacob vowed a vow to follow π€π€π€ π€ if He protected him. Peni’El was named after the place Jacob fought with π€π€π€ π€ until he blessed him. Both were an integration of YAH and a place.
And he called the name of that place, Beit-El (Bethel). And yet the name of the city was at first Luz.
Genesis 28:19 (HRB)
And Jacob called the name of the place Peni’El β , because I saw Elohim face to face, and my life is delivered.
Genesis 32:30 (HRB)
In this and all Food for Thoughts I recommend you read the Scripture(s) provided and the entire chapter they are from to obtain more insight.
Throughout the scriptures, π€π€π€ π€ has left many clues for us to follow and discover His name. These breadcrumbs can be seen in the names of people, places, and even in the language itself. YAH has embedded His name into many aspects of His creation. As His followers, we must always remember His name, praise His name, and give glory to His name. In last week’s Food for Thought, “Does the Name of the Most High Matter?” we went over how the ineffable doctrine attempted to hide π€π€π€ π€ (YAHUAH/YAHWEH), but as you can see π€π€π€ π€ will never let His name be forgotten. So My people shall know My name thus in that day; for I Am He speaking. Behold Me! Isaiah 52:6
By: David Edwards β HalleluYAH β Praise YAH β Praise π€π€π€ π€