Sabbath and Set Apart Feast Days: A Journey into Their Deeper Meanings – Part 7

The Last Great Day To fully understand the significance of The Last Great Day, it’s essential to first recognize the appointed times (Feast Days) given by 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (YAHUAH), each of which reveals His redemptive plan. These Feasts, fulfilled in part by 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏 (Yahusha’s) first coming and awaiting completion at His return, point to the ultimate…

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Sabbath and Set Apart Feast Days: A Journey into Their Deeper Meanings – Part 4

Day of Atonement image

The Day of Atonement, or Yom Kippur, is one of the most profound and solemn observances in 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄‘s appointed Kodesh (set apart/holy) feast days. It is a day directly tied to repentance of sin, transgression, iniquity, and reconciliation between 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 and His people, Yahshar’el, and the later grafted in believers. Many people confuse Yom Kippur…

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Does Your Name Matter or Should Someone Rename You? Part 3 “Reeducated Religion”

Through the Reeducated Lens of Christianity or the Religious Sects of the Faith! Throughout the past few weeks, we have examined some difficult and complex issues surrounding names, oppression, slavery, occupation, and race. For some, the biblical perspectives have provided profound and meaningful insight. In contrast, others have found these last few Food for Thoughts uncomfortable and…

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Does Your Name Matter or Should Someone Rename you? Part 2

In part 1 of our discussion, we talked about the horrific three-part strategy the Babylonians used to slave, torment, and oppress Yahshar’el, Daniel, and three Hebrew men, ChananYAH, Mish’el, and AzarYAH. If you haven’t read and studied last week’s Food For Thought titled “Does Your Name Matter or Should Someone Rename You? Pt 1“, I highly recommend…

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Does Your Name Matter or Should Someone Rename you? Part 1

Do Our Names Matter? Names are powerful and an integral part of our personal, social, and spiritual identity and uniqueness. They serve as a window through which others view us and the historical, cultural, faith, and family connections that define us. Our names have a deep and profound impact on our sense of self, purpose,…

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Names and Genealogies

The Almighty 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 YAH, in His infinite wisdom and knowledge (Isaiah 55:8–9, Isaiah 40:15,28), whom no man can begin to comprehend. He chose to include unique and meaningful names and genealogies throughout the Bible. For years, I found these portions of the Bible to be dull or boring and pondered over the relevance of these…

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Integration of His Name

𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄’s Placing His Name 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 (YAHUAH or YAHWEH), in extraordinary ways, includes His name in many things. What is most interesting is how He merged His name into words, places, and people that belong to Him. The first integrated word that might come to mind is HalleluYAH, but the integration of Hallelu and YAH is only the beginning of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄’s…

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Does the Name of the Most High Matter?

Our Heavenly Father blessed us with His perfect and sacred name and allowed us to record it as  𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 and יהוה. His name holds immense power and significance and is worthy of remembrance and praise. However, over the centuries, His wonderful name was erased from multiple historical records and replaced with titles such as Adonai, Lord, and…

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Whose Idea Was That?

Where is the truth?

The Devils Idea(s) The devil, known as the deceiver in Revelation 12:9 and the father of lies in John 8:44, along with his children, are skilled at implanting ideas in people’s minds. It is often through suggestions, subtle influence, mental manipulation, belief systems, and false religions that the devil and his children manipulate and influence…

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Don’t Let Your Life Rot

Disobedience Equates to Adverse Consequences Exodus 16:20 serves as a powerful reminder of what can unfold in our lives when we fail the tests and trials YAHWEH sets before us, by blatantly disobeying. It is our nature to do what feels or gives us the most pleasure(s). The Bible reminds us that we are carnal-minded…

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I Am YAHWEH Your Elohim, a Jealous El

Jealous El!

There’s a considerable amount of misunderstanding surrounding YAWHEH’s statement about Himself, the creator of the Heavens and Earth, being a jealous El. The confusion occurs when people are fooled into thinking or believing that YAHWEH is jealous or envious of what they have and wishing He had it. However, this understanding needs to be changed…

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Who Have You Been Listening To?

A few months ago, a friend shared a head-scratching video with me asking for my thoughts on the topic. The video featured a charismatic preacher/pastor who irrationally claimed that men with facial hair or beards were prideful, not anointed, and not true believers. I found his statements and rant absurd, and honestly, it left me…

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Your Enemies Will Plot…

As we navigate through life, we often face trials, challenges, and setbacks that we as believers overcome because of our relationship with YAHWEH (1 John 5:4). We were made overcomers through the love and grace of YAHWEH. However, being victorious over this world comes with the unexpected problem of acquiring enemies (haters). Formidable enemies, including…

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Does Money Make Your World Go Around?

Increasing food prices, inflation, wars, rumors of wars, global food shortages, new pandemic fears, pending recessions, ridiculous gas prices, BRICS threatening the US dollar, US national debt at 32 trillion and climbing, and the list goes on and on when thinking about the world economy. For some time now, the US and the rest of the world have been…

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Wait a Minute, What Did You Just Say? PT. 4 (Final)

Throughout this “Wait a minute, What did you just say?” series, we have delved deeply into the immense power of the untamable death-dealing tongue. We have come to understand that while our words can be a source of comfort and truth, they can also be dangerously destructive. Therefore, we must acknowledge the great responsibility that…

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Wait a Minute, What Did YOU Just Say? PT. 3

Taming & Training As human beings, we possess an incredible ability to train and tame animals for various purposes, including hunting, protection, entertainment, etc. Our remarkable capacity to tame and train does not stop with animals, as we can train ourselves and other humans to accomplish impressive feats like completing iron-races, mastering a musical instrument, or…

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Wait a minute, What did you just say? PT. 2

As believers, we often overlook the immense power our tongues hold. We forget it possesses the ability to speak both blessings and curses and life and death. It’s essential to be mindful of the tremendous impact our words have on ourselves and others, especially when considering our most common sins are related to words.

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Wait a minute, What did you just say? PT. 1

tongue title image

According to the teachings of Ya’aqov (aka James, the brother of Yahshua), the tongue holds tremendous importance in our daily lives. In fact, he compares it to a tiny bit that controls even the most stubborn of horses, a small rudder that steers the mightiest of ships, and a little fire that sets an entire…

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Can You Handle the Truth?

In our complex and diverse societies, there are a variety of beliefs, ranging from personal convictions to religious and political ideologies. There is your truth, my truth, the preacher’s truth, the religious doctrine truth, the politician’s truth, etc. While these differing perspectives may hold significance for their respective followers, it is vital to recognize that…

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Will Your Faith Lead You Across the Water?

what it like for the priest to stand in the Jordan River once it was stilled

YAHWEH Has His Reasons For 40 years, YAHWEH had been preparing Yahshar’el (Israel) to obtain the promised land and much more, as Deut 8:1-3 tells us. YAHWEH used this time in the wildness to “Humble, try or prove, know their hearts, and know if they would keep His commandments. This preparation would prove necessary before they approached…

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